Monday, November 3, 2008

I know where I'm going, but it will be work getting there...

This past month has been a little stressful. I was waiting on two big things in my life.

First, my friends and I were trying to buy a house. We found the perfect one for us. Then we had to go through the stress of negotiating, receiving the results of an inspection, a couple appraisals, and getting financing. There was a lot of waiting and deciding and trusting and risking.

Second, I completely blanked and forgot to send in some necessary documents to take part in the learning portion of my articling year. I was informed that I was unregistered for the program. After quickly getting my documents in, I then just had to wait for the rest to work it's way through the system.

Just last week, both came together. We have bought a house and I've started classes. So the stress of waiting helplessly is over, but now I have a lot of work to do to get into that house and to finish my articling year well.

I think the waiting is more stressful because there is nothing I could do to improve the situation. My month will be very full of packing and arranging transfers of utilities and setting budgets and signing documents as well as studying and reading and drafting but at least I am certain for what I need to do and what it will lead to.

So, really I'm excited. New house! New Career! I'll be tired, but I'll be somewhere.