Everyone on Facebook is listing 25 random things about themselves lately. Here's my post:
1. I take being nice very seriously. At work I strive to be polite, respectful, and conscientious to everyone I interact with, even when I disagree with them. I think I am able to do this without sacrificing my ability to advocate for my clients or for myself. I believe I am pretty good at being nice at work.
2. I wish I were better at being nice at home. Sometimes I hear something come out of my mouth and immediately regret it. Usually it’s my tone that I find disappointing. I am actively working on it, but am less successful than I am at work.
3. When I was four or five, my best friend at the time threw a fire poker at my head and, lucky, only hit my right ear. I had stitches and still have a scar. (What kind of best friend throws things at your head?! But, he was a four-year-old boy, so perhaps he has an out.)
4. I’ve recently dabbled in Internet dating, with little success. I’ve found that one of my greatest turn-offs is poor grammar. I suppose this is a consequence of 21 years of schooling. (And seriously, with spell check, there is no excuse.)
5. When I was in grade 12 I worked at the local arena and therefore know how to drive an ice resurfacer (aka: Zamboni).
6. I didn’t get my hair cut by a professional for 9 years. This started as a way to save money when I was in college. Later, I was scared that if I went, whoever the hairdresser was would lecture me about it. I was also scared that I wouldn’t pick the right hairdresser and it would look awful. I was also scared about calling and making an appointment and then having to make small talk during the cut.
7. I am scared of a lot of everyday things, especially if they involve interacting with people.
8. One of the things I like the most about my BFF is that she is practically fearless, especially if it involves interacting with people.
9. I like being exactly on time. If I’m too early I may have to make awkward small talk with people. If I’m late I feel as if I am being disrespectful to the host and, depending on the event, everyone might see me walking in. Sometimes, however, it’s hard to know what time is “on time.” For example, when doors open at 8, the show might not actually start until 11 - when should I get there?!
10. Whenever we have communion at church, I freak out a little bit about standing in line, and having to walk up, in front of everyone. I don’t like people looking at me. (Am I a little bit neurotic? A lot neurotic?)
11. I really love opening things right after I buy them, even if I don’t need them right away. I take great joy in destroying packaging, removing sticker labels and tags, and putting things where they belong.
12. I enjoy being surrounded by sound. I would rather study in a crowded coffee shop than in a quiet library. I prefer having music/the radio/the TV on to silence. I like being in crowded places.
13. But, I HATE small human made sounds in an otherwise quiet place. Sounds like a pen tapping on a desk, a barrette being snapped open and closed, or keys jingling in my purse with each step. The worst sounds are mouth sounds - chewing gum, chewing food, slurping a drink… I don’t know why but small sounds are the single most annoying thing to me in life right now.
14. I am currently articling and have 4 rotations this year. This means I start a new job every 3 months and have to meet new people, learn the office environment, and get a hang of the law. I think this has been very good for me and made me more confident.
15. I have Dewey decimalized my non-fiction books and I labeled our pantry. But, I am generally not too crazy about organization. (My room is still a mess.)
16. I taught English in Tibet during the summer of 2002. It was awesome.
17. I have 24 houseplants and I hope to buy a couple more today.
18. I like to know things but I’m not very good at educating myself. I find it very difficult to stay interested in non-fiction books. I can’t seem to find the time to read the newspaper or online new sources daily. I think the farther I get away, in time, from school, people will think I am less smart.
19. I really love cheese. When we are out of it, I can’t think of anything to eat (even though I do eat meals without cheese, my brain just can’t get passed the idea that it isn’t available to me). I would like to expand my knowledge of, and experience with, different types of cheese.
20. I am a vegetarian but I am not very passionate about it. I do not try to convince others to give up meat nor do I mind it when people prepare and eat it around me. When people ask me why I don’t eat meat, I have my reasons but I can’t expand too much on them. I just don’t, even though I do like the taste of it. But even though I am fairly dispassionate about it, I can’t image not being a vegetarian.
21. I judge people based on the music they listen to, but only a little bit.
22. I want to live in community my whole life. I have never lived alone and I hope I never do.
23. I don’t speak with my family all that often (I talk to my mom about once every two weeks and see my extended family usually on holidays and other celebrations) even though most of them live very close to me. But I love them very dearly and am so thankful for their influence on my life. I greatly value the time I do spend with them. I will be very sad when I lose any of them.
24. I am a Christian and attend an Evangelical church but the flavour of my faith has changed drastically in the past 10 years. Compared to many people in my church communities of past and present I’m a flaming liberal.
25. I really like pretty things. Right now I am especially attracted to roses. I have a crocheted rose on my coat, big rose earrings, and a cute rose necklace. I just might look like an old lady. Oh well.